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Our no-numbers approach helps
you track your progress without frustrations about weight!

Stay motivated
Your calculated weight forecast,
shown in a personal dial, helps
you stay motivated and on track
Continuous support
You're never alone. your professional sees your progress
and provides support as needed
How it works
Monitor from home,
15 seconds per day
Step on the monitor just 3-4 times per week
to track your progress. Instead of showing frustrating numbers caused by natural weight fluctuation, Sinque™ AI learns
your natural weight flucutation to
predict your weight trend.
Use the Sinque app to stay motivated and on track
See your weight trend forecast, track your measurement streak, and find helpful content for daily habits, recipes and more!

Personalized support based on your progress
With Sinque, you're never alone. Your professional monitors your progress and knows when you need that extra nudge
or to celebrate a milestone!

What our users are saying

Your progress yesterday, today and 2 weeks in the future
The Sinque Dial shows the impact of today's behavior -- diet, exercise, sleep, medicine, and more -- on your future weight trend.
Instead of confusing numbers, you know if you're on track, and if not, you have time to change!
Trusted by experts
Sinque works!
Continuous support
You're never alone. your professional sees your progress
and provides support as needed
More success with Sinque
5x better results
Users have 5x better results than programs without Sinque
3.8 measurements
Users enjoy monitoring with Sinque! Results show an average of 3.8 measurements per week
Fewer dropouts
Users stay in programs longer to meet their health goals!
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